Open Letter トートバッグ(アートワーク 中島あかね)/ Open Letter tote bag (artwork by Akane Nakajima)
水色 / pale blue
赤 / red
黒 / black
本体サイズ / body size:w330 × h390 mm ※マチなし / no gusset
持ち手サイズ / handle size:25 × 650 mm
素材 / material:コットン / cotton
仕様 / print info:布にシルクスクリーン / silkscreen print on cotton fabric
This tote bag is hand-printed with silkscreen of Akane Nakajima's artwork. The organic, cellular-like forms that are characteristic of Nakajima's work are fully utilized in printing across the width of the fabric.
The ink color is dark green, and the body comes in light blue, red, and black.
*Please note that the quality of each print will vary due to the hand-printing process by the artist.
- Open Letter トートバッグ with 中島あかね / Open Letter tote bag with Akane Nakajima
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